The Other Epidemic: sexual exploitation of kids on the internet
Gabrielle Duchaine, Caroline Touzin
In this disturbing series, La Presse journalists Gabrielle Duchaine and Caroline Touzin reveal how pedophiles have taken advantage of the massive number of children at home and online to stalk their young victims. Cases of internet sexual exploitation have increased at an unprecedented rate this year, further overburdening a justice system that — even under normal circumstances, according to La Presse — fails to process tens of thousands of reports received every year. “L’autre épidémie” is based on a year of research and interviews with dozens of experts: police officers, prosecutors, researchers, aid organizations, and more importantly with victims and even predators. This series had an immediate impact, prompting the Quebec government to promise an action plan to combat child pornography, and to change its compensation program for victims of crime to include victims of sexual exploitation on the internet.